10:04:38 From Diana Hense : https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/coronavirus-covid-19/ouders-scholieren-en-studenten-kinderopvang-en-onderwijs/examens-in-het-voortgezet-onderwijs 10:04:56 From Diana Hense : https://www.government.nl/topics/coronavirus-covid-19/news/2020/03/24/no-national-exams-this-year 10:41:17 From Carine Ruessmann : what about the candidats libres? Do they take part in the replacement session? 10:44:38 From Ena Chaisson : Q for Paul: for docs, we get IB electronically but with the IBCP, we are not sure how this transcripting was planned. Will the BTEC come via Pearson Edexcel or will it only be transcripted by IB on the IBCP? 10:46:21 From Paul Teulon : @ena - the IB transcript for CP shows the IBCP Core and then IB DP Courses subjects. It doesn't show the CRS (which BTEC is an example of). These would come directly from Pearson - in the case of BTEC. 10:47:30 From Ena Chaisson : shazam...I thought so. Thanks, Paul! 10:47:55 From April Furnal : Q for Chiara: When can students expect to receive their official diploma in Italy? 10:49:51 From April Furnal : Great! thank you! 10:51:08 From Ena Chaisson : I have been pondering the impact of GDPR on record keeping and results acquisition for HEIs like mine. This is a general Q...what impact (if any) is GDPR having? Since this session is for secondary, perhaps focusing on what y'all might know. 10:59:22 From Gabrielle Rolle : have also University entrance examinations been cancelled in certain countries due to the COVID ? (China, Turkey,Greece, etc …) 11:00:30 From Karen Krug : In China, the entrance exam (Gaokao) has been postponed until July, but they still plan to hold it. 11:03:21 From Paul Teulon : We are seeing some interesting developments. The UCAT a UK medical entrance exam has moved to on-line proctoring of its exam. 11:03:45 From Francesca Villa : I guess Gabrielle meant the National University examinations such as YKS or veveossi prosvassis or EPAU in Spain. Do you have any information on those? 11:06:10 From Chiara Finocchietti : Regarding China and other Asia-Pacific countries it is also possible to refer to this webpage of the RecoASIA project: http://www.recoasia.eu/seminars-conferences/, where there are interventions on the impact of COVID-19 on education in 8 Asian countries 11:07:44 From Francesca Villa : Thanks Chiara 11:10:58 From Shelly Hladun : Great sessions. Thank you. 11:11:17 From Paul Teulon : https://www.ibo.org/news/news-about-the-ib/covid-19-coronavirus-updates/ - here is the IB place for information. 11:12:06 From Peggy Hendrickson : Thank you all so much! 11:12:10 From Carine Ruessmann : Thank you all! 11:12:14 From Nathanael Poli - Canadian Information Centre (CICIC) : Thank you very much all! 11:12:17 From Karen Krug : Thank you all! Very helpful 11:12:30 From Janine Pacheco : This was excellent! Thank you! 11:12:54 From Isabelle Nilsson : Thanks for this session! Good that Taicep also sheds light secondary education examinations and admission to Bachelor level in higher education. See also the Danish compilation in the Enic-Naric network on this topic. 11:13:00 From Jennifer Triska : Thanks so much! So informative and helpful 11:13:26 From Ena Chaisson : thank you all!!! Be well! 11:13:41 From Tristan Kruschke : Thanks everyone, that was excellent :)