02:50:08 Peggy Hendrickson: :D We've all had that frustration 02:53:41 Emma Irving: We are delighted with our partnership at Hedd! 02:53:56 Elizabeth Zamorano: Yes very much so, great working with you guys! 02:58:39 Meg Wenger: Interesting that you verify both the degree and the institution. 03:00:33 Peggy Hendrickson: What types of institutions/credentials can you verify? Can you verify credentials from institutions or qualifications that have only RNCP registration? What about Titre d'établissement or certificat d'école? 03:02:09 Emily Tse - cohost: How/why did the partnership with HEDD come about? Are there certain instances where it is better to go through Verifdiploma vs HEDD? 03:06:03 Meg Wenger: Would credential evaluators be in the "recruiter" category? 03:06:26 Peggy Hendrickson: Thanks for asking that, Meg. I was curious, too. 03:07:20 Peggy Hendrickson: If someone attends multiple institutions or has multiple qualifications, do you need a separate consent form for each institution/qualification? 03:08:45 Peggy Hendrickson: And does each qualification have a separate fee (even if they're from the same institution)? 03:11:05 Peggy Hendrickson: Is the HEI interface for French HEIs only or international as well? 03:17:19 Meg Wenger: Just to confirm, if a student is in progress in the final year of the licence, for example, and is applying for further ed in an institution, can we request verif of the releve de notes of what they've completed so far? 03:18:11 Peggy Hendrickson: Will the verification indicate the HEI's authorization? (Ministry of Education, RNCP, Ministry of Culture, Conference des Grandes Ecoles, or things like Reconnu par l'Etat) 03:18:15 Rasmus Spanner: Do your verification services cite the specific accreditation/recognition body (or label) of programs? 03:19:08 Rasmus Spanner: Beat me to it, Peggy! 03:19:38 Peggy Hendrickson: They work better together, haha. TAICEP is all about collaborating (even if it's by accident, haha) 03:24:16 Peggy Hendrickson: Are you saying that you can tell us if a program is recognized within the French higher education? Or is that something ENIC-NARIC does? 03:26:19 Peggy Hendrickson: Thank you! We sometimes have applicants who argue with us that their RNCP-only program is the same as a degree from a university, and it'd be so wonderful to be able to have a backup! 03:27:09 Emily Tse - cohost: Thank you so much for your presentation! 03:28:06 Peggy Hendrickson: So wonderful. Thank you! 03:28:13 Elizabeth Zamorano: Excellent presentation Elizabeth & Rafael, thank you! 03:28:22 Jeanie Bell: Thank you so much! 03:28:57 Peggy Hendrickson: This was great. We'd heard about VerifDiploma but thought it had to be initiated by the student only, so this has been tremendously helpful. 03:29:17 Rasmus Spanner: Thanks you!