- Director Monterey Peninsula College International Office
- Vice President NAFSA: Association of International Educators
- Vice President of International Education AACRAO
- Member of the original AACRAO EDGE Group that developed the database and member of the International Education Standards Committee (IESC)
- Director, Foreign Credentials Service of America (FCSA Monterey) and Professor Emeritus/former Director of International Programs, Monterey Peninsula College
- B.A. Business Education & Political Science; M.S. Higher & Adult Education, University of Kentucky
- Director, Foreign Credentials Service of America (Monterey) (2008 – present).
- Director of International Programs, Monterey Peninsula College (1994-2006; Professor Emeritus 2006).
- Counselor, AP Coordinator, U.S. History and World History Teacher, Model UN Coordinator, International School of Aruba (1993-94).
- Teacher and Sociology Instructor, International School of Kuala Lumpur and Inti College, Malaysia (1992-1993).
- Resident Director, American Degree Program, Damansara College, Malaysia (1991-92).
- Director of Student Services, Indiana University / MARA Institute of Technology Cooperative Program, Malaysia (1989-1991).
- Director of Foreign Student Services, Ohio Wesleyan University (1984-89).
- Director of Student Services, College of Allied Health Professions, University of Kentucky Medical Center (1979-84).
- Director of Graduate Admissions, University of Kentucky (1973-1979).
- AACRAO: American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers: Board of Directors; Vice President for International Education; World Education Series Committee; Graduate and Professional Student Admissions Committee.
- NAFSA Association of International Educators: Board of Directors (three terms); Executive Committee; Vice President for Regional Affairs; Chair, Commission on Information Services (COMINFO); Chair, Admissions Section (ADSEC); Chair, Region VI (Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky); Chair, Region VI Section on U.S. Study Abroad (SECUSSA).
- CCCCO: California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office working group on international and global education.
- CCIE: California Colleges for International Education: Board of Directors, Vice President.
- IIE Open Doors Advisory Committee.
- National Council on the Evaluation of Foreign Educational Credentials.
- National Liaison Committee of AACRAO, CGS, College Board, IIE and NAFSA.
- TOEFL Technology Committee.
- TOEFL Community Colleges Constituency Committee.
- TOEFL Grants and Awards Committee.
- INS Joint Application Development (JAD) for CIPRIS system (precursor of SEVIS).
- National Symposium on Foreign Educational Systems: Future Directions in Research and Information Management (Chair of Work Group I: Goals and Priorities for Research).
- Milwaukee Symposium: Refining a Methodology for Comparing Foreign and U.S. Credentials.
- Wingspread Colloquium on Re-Entry / Transition.
- Authored and edited more than 30 articles and books on foreign educational systems, international recruitment, admissions, enrollment management, institutional mission statements and student affairs.
- U.S. Government: Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS); Office of International Training, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID); U.S. Information Agency (USIA).
- NAFSA Association of International Educators: Consultant on international admissions and foreign student and scholar services to several U.S. colleges and universities.
- Private Consultant to several U.S.-patterned community colleges in Malaysia.
- Made more than 150 professional presentations at state, regional, national and international conferences, including AACRAO, NAFSA, European Association of International Educators (EAIE), and Association of University Administrators (AUA).
- American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO): Award for Excellence in International Education (2011)
- American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO): Honorary Membership (2014)
- 1975: The Admission and Academic Placement of Students from Selected Arab Countries: Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia (Editor of Saudi Arabia)
- 1976 and 1977: “Graduate Study in the U.S.,” Asian Student Orientation Handbook, The Asia Foundation.
- 1977: AACRAO World Education Series volume on Thailand.
- 1979: The ADSEC Bibliography, NAFSA.
- 1980: The Handbook on the Placement of Foreign Graduate Students (Graduate Handbook, Part I), co-edited with Lon Gerould, of Western Michigan University.
- 1981: The Handbook on the Placement of Foreign Graduate Students (Graduate Handbook, Part II).
- 1983: “A Low Cost Student-Produced Recruitment Videotape,” College and University. 58(3).
- 1983: The Admission and Academic Placement of Students from Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emigrants, Yemen Arab Republic (Report Editor)
- 1986(?) Co-authored, with Peggy Printz, a NAFSA publication on International Student Recruitment, with an emphasis on Armchair Recruitment, but I no longer have a copy.
- 1996: AACRAO’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities for International Students and Institutions (Editor).
- 2001: “International Mission Statement and Policy Considerations Regarding International Education,” The AACRAO International Guide: A Resource for International Education Professionals.
- 2009: “Understanding the Bologna Process for Admissions Officers,” College and University. 85(2) (co-authored with Mary Baxton, Gloria Nathanson, William Paver and Robert Watkins).
- 2010: “Envisioning the Future of Applied Comparative Education,” (Co-authored with William Paver), The AACRAO International Guide: A Resource for International Education Professionals.
- 2013-2014: AACRAO Task Force on International Admissions and Credential Evaluation (bibliography and co-edited with Gloria Nathanson).
- 2016: “AACRAO EDGE: History, Development and Future,” (co-authored with Gloria Nathanson, William Paver and Robert Watkins), The AACRAO International Guide: A Resource for International Education Professionals.
I’ve been involved in AACRAO’s Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE) since its inception, serve as its editor and am a member of the International Education Standards Council (IESC).
I was also part of the AACRAO Russia Project, during which the Russian contingent of eight faculty and MOE officials split into two groups to visit US institutions of every type in New York (Joann Stedman hosting) and Los Angeles (Gloria Nathanson and I co-hosted). I was one of six US representatives who visited Moscow and St. Petersburg. Upon our return, we were very lucky to have Chris Foley step in and supplement our on-the-ground interviews and observations with academic and historical background, which led to an outstanding publication with Chris as editor par excellence.

1970’s International Reception

Fred Receives a Warm Welcome to Kuala Lumpur

Giddy Up!

Happy Birthday!

Malaysia 1991

My children in the 70’s. We drove to NAFSA San Diego in this VW without air conditioning.

My wife of 30 years.


Veteran men in black.