- Currently the director at Foreign Credentials Services of America, Dale was a long-time leader in international admissions at University of Maryland, College Park and a visionary and founder of International Education Services at AACRAO;
- Dale shaped international credential evaluation in the US by serving on committees such as the National Credentials Evaluation Project of the National Liaison Committee and AACRAO’s International Education Standards Council;
- He wrote or co-wrote many international education publications, such as the AACRAO/NAFSA Workshop on Latin America (Bolivia team); the Panama section of the PIER workshop on Central America; and the PIER Workshop in Bulgaria and Romania;
- As a speaker and educator, Dale trained legions of upcoming, mid-career, and senior international credential evaluation professionals at regional, national, and international conferences and training workshops;
- Dale’s been and continues to be a mentor and friend to many in the field
- Bachelor of Arts, American Studied, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
- Master of Arts, Human Relations, University of Oklahoma (Canal Zone)
- ABD, American Studies, University of Maryland, College Park
- Military Intelligence, 470th MI Group, Canal Zone, Panama
- Directed Undergraduate and Graduate International Admissions, University of Maryland, College Park
- Participant, First National Conference on U.S. Students Abroad (NAFSA)
- Foreign Credentials Evaluator, National Credentials Evaluation Project of the National Liaison Committee
- Participant, AACRAO/NAFSA Workshop to Latin America (Bolivia team)
- Consultant for NAFSA
- Fulbright grantee, Commission for Educational Exchange between the Federal Republic of Germany and the U.S.
- Consultant for Middle States AACRAO (MSACRAO)
- Local Arrangement Chair, NAFSA Annual Conference, Baltimore MD
- Member, AACRAO World Education Series Committee
- Team Leader to Panama, Projects for International Education Research (PIER) Workshop to Central America
- Member, Advisory Committee for International Education, The College Board
- Member, Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Policy Council
- Senior Consultant, International Consultants of Delaware
- Faculty member, Workshop for Overseas Advisors, Budapest, Hungary, The College Board
- Consultant to the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS)
- Observer, Projects for International Education Research (PIER) Workshop to Bulgaria and Romania
- Consultant representing the Educational Testing Service at the First Fulbright Conference in Bulgaria
- Authored Paper on International Admission Trends for the TOEFL 2000 Project
- Consultant to the Educational Testing Service to develop computer models to predict international student application trends and TOEFL registrations
- Created and lead the International Track for The College Board Summer Institutes
- Created and Director of AACRAO’s International Education Services
- Numerous presentations at regional and national conferences for AACRAO, NAFSA, The College Board, GMAC, MBA Forums, CGFNS, and ETS (TOEFL, GRE, GMAT)
- Nominated by the U.S. Army Southern Command (Panama) for the White House Fellows Program

US Embassy in Panama

Wife & army friend

Jungle training, Panama

Casco Viejo – Old Town, Panama City, PN