
GDN-TAICEP Authentication Mapping Tool -October 2019 Newsletter


The GDN-TAICEP Authentication Project is developing a mapping tool to meet their overall goal of creating trusted resource tools to support learner mobility and credential evaluation. The collaborative project is planning an online mapping tool, which would be an easily navigable source of trusted document and verification providers around the world.

While many credential evaluation practices still rely on paper documents and verification methods that lag behind the rapid expansion of digital resources, and evaluators are also concerned about the reliability of third-party verification resource providers, the need for resources that are nimble enough to keep up with constant change while being totally reliable is increasingly acute.

The ambitious mapping tool would allow users to select a country and be directed to a list of resources that would include relevant instructions on how to use each resource. Apart from the obvious benefits to evaluators and other international education professionals, the mapping tool is expected of be of significant benefit to the students with decreases in evaluation delays that are currently normal in many situations.

With support from GDN (the Groningen Declaration Network) and TAICEP, the mapping tool is in an early stage of planning and development, still needing funding and a host, but the overall goal and benefits are clear.

If you are interested in the development of this mapping tool, please visit the TAICEP webpage about the mapping tool and leave a comment by clicking HERE.

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GDN-TAICEP Authentication Mapping Tool -October 2019 Newsletter

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From the TAICEP Website -October 2019 Newsletter


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